
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

Post 2: The best holidays ever

Hi Bloggers! On this blog I'm going to talk about the best holidays ever, it's about the national holidays last year when with my best friend's family went to the South of Chile to the house of her cousins in Gorbea, in the Araucania Region for approximately 1 week, in the commune we went to the Balneario del rio Donguil and to the Salto del rio Donguil but we couldn't go to swimming because the weather was very rainy at the time, we also met the cemetary, the square, the church and we saw my friend's cousin's wife parade through the center of the commune, in spite of the rain we met places like Coñaripe, Panguipulli, Lican Ray, Mehuin, and others places. Everything was beautiful and where you look there was nature, as the atmosphere was festive they invited us to eat in many places and gave us a lot of food!! even If we didn't want more jaja.  It's the best holiday ever I had because I didn't know any of these places and I had an amazing time w

Post 1: Republic of India

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you  about a country I'd like to visit...India! It's a country in south Asia, the seventh largest country by area and the second most populous country in the world. The cradle of Hindu culture, they has a variety of religions mainly the hinduism and It has a wide variety of landscapes, If I ever go there I'd definitely have to go to Taj Mahal, the most popular Mausoleum of the world in Agra, Jaipur also called the pink city, Benares located on the bank of the river Ganges to live some of their ceremonies, Delhi city , and of course I would visit some of its temples. The culture is so different from ours that there are many things that I can learn about it, I think that I could go to study their culture and traditions because I find them very interesting. Anyway, I could be talking all day about this country but I can your link for those you are interested in learning a little more about this beautiful country... https://www.incr

Getting Around

Hi Bloggers! Today I had to do reading and writing exercises, my highest score was in the activity number 4 "long text with multiple choice questions" I got the whole score 5/5 it wasn't of great difficulty for me because I understood the text. My lowest score was on the item 5 "text with multiple choice gaps" I got 6/11 because some words were confused. The item I found easier was the number 2 "match 5 people to 8 texts" because the information was clear and  should only be compared with the character.  The skill that is most difficult for me is writting because when reading I can order the general idea in my mind, however when I write I must recognize more vocabulary and know more grammar times. I think that I can improve by reading more in English and doing exercise on internet pages to practice, watching movies with English subtitles.

Social Networks

Hi bloggers! This is my first blog of this semester and we have to write about personal information on internet, I personally believe that we are living in the computer age and all of us we communicate constantly, the personal information sometimes doesn't exist, In my case I use social networks like Facebook (just a little), Pinterest, Youtube, WhatsApp and Instagram, this last with more frequency because I like to see the post and pictures that the people post. The information that we published are never removed, for this reason I don't like post my telephone number, home address or be telling what I do all day, It's no necessary. Anyway I think that the people can post wathever they want while they feel comfortable.